It means "can't stand it". 頂 ding in Cantonese means "to stand against" - 究竟係「冇得頂」定「定唔順」定「頂唔泡」呢?

Friday, October 21, 2005


去了番?的網頁後看到以下一個IQ test。為左要證明自己唔蠢,就用左半個鐘的時間,仲用左字典EV Dict幫手,先得出以下結論。唉,我對唔住Neven,我logic個A都唔知點拎返黎。

Your IQ Is 125

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius

Your General Knowledge is Above Average

"If Jody doesn't pay her ticket, she will go to jail." Which other statement must be true?
a. If Jody pays her ticket, she won't go to jail.
b. If Jody goes to jail, she didn't pay her ticket.
c. If Jody doesn't go to jail, she paid her ticket.

呢句野用logic符號寫出黎, 就係: ~A=>B
A=Jody pay ticket, B=go to jail
所以: ~B=>A
If Jody doesn't go to jail, she paid her ticket.所以C是正確的。

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