It means "can't stand it". 頂 ding in Cantonese means "to stand against" - 究竟係「冇得頂」定「定唔順」定「頂唔泡」呢?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Since day 3 is such an exciting day, we got very tired afterwards. My bf had to drink coffee on the way back to keep him awake. We slept for soooooooo long: we get up at 2:00pm on the other day!!

After a meal in a hong kong style restuature, we went to see those famous big chain stores, Wal * Mart, Home Depo, Canadian Tires and IKEA. They were all VERY big and clean. We also visit bf's ex-employer John and chatted for a while.

Had dinner in a very nice restauture, Joye Tomato's. I thought there were only tomatos dishes but it turned out with many other choices :P We had a bule chees fries for attipezer (?), a steak for him and a lobster ravioli for me. I like the source of my dish very much and his steak was good too. the spagetti in his dish wasn't so tasety though.

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