It means "can't stand it". 頂 ding in Cantonese means "to stand against" - 究竟係「冇得頂」定「定唔順」定「頂唔泡」呢?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Your Extroversion Profile:
Assertiveness: High
Excitement Seeking: High
Sociability: High
Activity Level: Medium
Cheerfulness: Medium
Friendliness: Medium


Anonymous said...

No question, you are a complete extrovert, directed outward, this trait is a plus, earns you a lot more friends, I wish I could be more out-going!

bratrice said...

Thx. I thought I would be lower than this result.

And I am sure if there is a quiz on "How lazy you are" I can get full mark. And that is why i cannot mantain very long friendships.

bratrice said...

Plus, you are outgoing too. Perhas it was just the effect of period. Or the stars, we are both controled by the planet Mercury.